CURE60 is a confidential, independent and purely a platform for Healthcare service and Healthcare products. Our mission is to provide a central Health solution hub, where Patients, Hospitals, Employers, Hotels and Travel facilitators come together for the information of the Hospitals and medical solutions. We leads you to a globally leading Online Medical platform for Medical Services, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Medical insurance and International Medical Tourism. We are offering affordable, user-friendly and Best Hospital-software for Hospitals to control every part of the Hospital and we implemented new Cloud service technologies. We ensure and assist you the reliable healthcare service and products to provide unique services and drastic changes in future of Healthcare industry. We are the first SaaS provider with all services under in one umbrella and we tend to serve suppliers and Consumers around the world to satisfy their International Medical Business needs.


Client Details

cure60, 1st Floor, Haraa Building Mathapuzha Road Chelari, Malappuram, Kerala