A highly skilled Acupuncturist, Nazir Sheriff is practicing Acupuncture and Acupressure from 2002. Proficient in pulse reading, the healer is best known for the root cause treatment to acute and chronic diseases. the healer possesses sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Associated with Healthcare sector (Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Diagnostic and Healthcare Admin) for more than 17 years, Nazir Sheriff is now dedicated to this holistic treatment.
Dedicating around 3 years with his guru Healer Senthilnathan, Nazir learned traditional acupuncture and pulse reading diagnosis from him. Healer Senthilnathan was spiritually connected with siddharBhogar (one among 18 siddhars) who guided him to treat his patients. Healer Senthilnathan accepted Nazir as his mentee after getting permission from siddharBhogar. Nazir’s sincerity and dedication impressed his guru to teach him, the very significant techniques in pulse reading. This technique facilitated Nazir to specialize in: (i) Diagnosing the conditions of 10 vital organs (Skin, Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine and Kidney), in turn, treat the root cause. (ii) Finding actual problems of every individual, through their pulse condition and treat them accordingly. Nazir Sheriff remains a grateful student to his guru healer Senthilnathan.
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